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Little Find

Take decisions sparingly

Decisions – big and small – come thick and fast throughout the day. Should you have a long or short coffee, buy a gasoline or electric car… ? These multiple-choice questions can leave you feeling exhausted and result in impulsive decisions.

A 2011 study investigated a group of judges who spent all day reviewing parole cases. The research showed that, all things being equal, they were more likely to turn down parole requests in the afternoon. Why? Because the judges were worn out after lunch, meaning they were more prone to answer in the negative and take easier, risk-free decisions. 

You almost certainly underestimate the cognitive fatigue brought about by sometimes trivial decisions. How can you keep your smarts and mental clarity relatively fresh?  

  • Come to a definite decision about the maximum number of low-stake choices you have to make on a day-to-day basis, such as what you’re going to have for breakfast or how to get to work. 
  • Tackle the taxing decisions over multiple days. 
  • It can also be helpful to imagine that you’re offering advice to someone who has to make the same decision. You expend less energy advising others than choosing for yourself. 
  • Try to put your finger on low-stakes decisions and release the pressure. 

Learn how to manage your cognitive energy as you do your physical energy! 

To go further

How to make smart decisions more easily

(TED-Ed, nov2023). 

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.