8 books for me (and my team)
Here is the selection of our favorite books in 2023, including even two books to be published in January 2024. They coverall your areas of concern such as perfectionism, inclusion, learning from mistakes, future of mankind, your potential (facing ChatGPT), emotional intelligence, chance and hazard, and even understanding our black box to have great ideas. We will spare you the books on well-being this time!
2024, we’re coming out of the bunker and we’re going to have fun!
The Perfection Trap

Our society wrongly overvalues perfectionism. However, far from being a quality, a source of performance or a distinction, it contributes to mental suffering, underperformance and the inability to adapt. Make no mistake… Multi-source, multi-form, it can however be cured: it is difficult to eradicate, but you can replace it with more positive actions.
Rising together

On the subject of gender equality alone, at the current rate we would have to wait 145 years to close the gap… Do you find that a bit long? So think about your posture: don’t wait around for yet another inclusion program to help you claim your rightful place, assert yourself and get ahead. When it comes down to it, it’s up to you (and you alone)!
Right Kind of Wrong

The author is part of the top 10 of the Top 50 Thinkers… and signs a new opus on the art of failure with her expertise in psychological safety. She brings a fresh new look at what we can learn from our mistakes. Forget “fail fast, fail often”, because this approach also fails to distinguish good failures from which we can learn from bad ones. A must read!
The Future of Us

Where will we live? How are we going to get around? What will we look like? What is the future of AI, or even Super AI? Who will we be? These are just some of the questions that science popularizer Jay Ingram answers in this exciting examination of the science and technologies that will affect every aspect of human life.
Hidden Potential

The complexity of our environment and the encroachment of ChatGPT on your job description make you anxious about your abilities to adapt to the coming world? Do you already feel outdated and at the limit of your potential? Of course not! Your potential is limited only by your imagination (well, almost), your self-confidence and your desire to progress. Potential can be worked on!

Nothing new (under the sun), Goleman co-authors a new opus on EI (emotional intelligence) but he offers practical methods for applying the principles of EI to achieve an optimal state of high performance, offering a roadmap to be at your best every day. Or how emotional intelligence can help us have a good day, any day, even on gray ones.

Fluke explores how our world really works, governed by strange interactions and random events… Did your vacation change the course of the 20th century? Who knows… The reality is much wilder and more fascinating than what we dared to imagine with our desire for control. Brian Klaas dives deep into the phenomenon of chance… EXCELLENT!
Think Bigger: How to Innovate

Choice science expert Sheena Iyengar answers a timeless question with huge implications: “How do I get my best ideas?” How to spark creative thinking and make the most meaningful choices? The author draws inspiration from recent advances in neurological and cognitive sciences so that the black box of creativity is no longer a mystery.
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