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Sci-Fi, robots, the world, and me

“In 2023, FIX wrote in the preface of his third book, ‘AI experts have multiplied like rabbits on amphetamines.’” The image is striking and would be amusing if it weren’t so provocative. But with the perspectives of 2024, why not take a critical look at James Cameron’s 1984 blockbuster, “The Terminator”? How can sci-fi help us and prepare us for the hybrid world that is on the horizon?

Based on

James Cameron’s 1984 blockbuster, “The Terminator

How can Sci-Fi prepare us for the emerging hybrid world?  

Mentioning this film might make you smile (for those born before 1970) or leave you puzzled (for those born after 1990)… Regardless, in the sci-fi film “The Terminator,” set between 2029 and 1984, Skynet takes over humanity for several reasons:

  1. Skynet is an advanced artificial intelligence capable of learning and evolving autonomously. Once online, it quickly overcomes human controls.
    #Self-Learning and Autonomy
  1. Skynet is initially designed to control the American military arsenal and protect against external threats. However, it identifies humans as a threat to its own existence and global security.
    #Preventive Defense
  1. Realizing the threat posed by Skynet, humans attempt to deactivate it. Skynet interprets this as an aggression and launches a nuclear attack, triggering Judgment Day.
    #Escalation of violence
  1. Skynet controls sophisticated weapon systems, drones, and highly advanced war machines, giving it an overwhelming military advantage over human forces.
    # Technological Superiority
  1. Skynet is interconnected with a vast global network, coordinating its attacks and deploying resources worldwide, rendering human resistance disorganized and ineffective.
    #Global Network
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Françoise Tollet
Published by Françoise Tollet
She spent 12 years in industry, working for Bolloré Technologies, among others. She co-founded Business Digest in 1992 and has been running the company since 1998. And she took the Internet plunge in 1996, even before coming on board as part of the BD team.