Six steps for catching the wind together
Detecting an inflection point in time is all well and good, but using the information to plot a business model is even better. To navigate such key strategic moments, you need the entire company to pitch in. Take a look at our three essential tips to help your organization embark on a new adventure quickly and seamlessly.

Based on Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen by Rita McGrath (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019).
1/ Prepare the ground
Tight deadlines, complex problems, blowback and resistance… working through an inflection point always requires substantial effort, whether you’re playing offense or defense. And this effort must be prepared in advance — otherwise you run the risk of putting your organization under undue strain.
Take the time — ideally with your teams (and why not in a fun way?) — to perform a check-up on the sensory and motor capacities of your company. Has it, for example, shown symptoms of myopia or hyperopia (a lack of analytical finesse or global vision), hearing loss (communication difficulties), or rigidity? Once the diagnosis has been made, it will be time to devise palliative solutions — which should always be a collective process.
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