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Little Find

The “Chrysalis economy”

How can you reinvent yourself in a world that’s in endless transition? In an age of strategic discontinuities, where resilience needs to work hand-in-hand with unparalleled adaptability?

For its fourth Book of Trends, KPMG Innovation picked the term “chrysalis” to illustrate the need to metamorphose our models so they are more adaptable and resilient in keeping with current and future shifts.
So, what are these new models, this bedrock for creating new value that is in sync with the demands of a fast-changing world?

  1. The ecumenical economy, or new ways to maintain and rebuild the planet’s habitability for the sake of humanity.
  2. New geographies: halfway between deglobalization and local distribution networks, how can we refine their deployment and development?
  3. The co-evolutionary enterprise: how can you reinvent yourself in a world of non-stop disruption and discontinuity? 
  4. The ecosystem experience: given that we’re faced with limited resources, how can managing vast ecosystems become a source of resilience and wealth?
  5. Regain control: how can we revolutionize intelligence with the full convergence of digital, human and ecological ingenuity? 
  6. Impact in the vanguard: impact policies have shifted from the stage of repeated directives to a management lever that plays a crucial role faced with the growing challenges.

The “chrysalis economy” opens up the path to transformation based on positive impacts and… universal performance. It just needs to be coupled with the principle of robustness to see whether the two are compatible!

To go further

«L’économie Chrysalide»

4ème Book des Tendances 2024, KPMG Innovation

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.