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Little Find

Offer support and hold fast

If you already recognize the importance of empathy in your management style, you’ll also know that offering endless support may drag you down emotionally…

The ability to understand other people – once seen as a weakness – and to be concerned about how your team is feeling is, in fact, a workplace “superpower”. Empathy creates greater job satisfaction and promotes a cooperative mindset but it comes with an emotional cost. How can you protect yourself? 

  • Practice self-care. Don’t forget yourself… if you do, you won’t be in a position to help others. Devote some time to acknowledging your own feelings and needs. 
  • Ask for help. Are you still unsure about letting people see your vulnerability? But if you do, things will be healthier for everyone… starting with you! Think about it: you will also feed into the need to be useful in the people you canvass for help. 
  • Find someone who epitomizes empathy, someone who knows how to find the right level – and take your cue from them! 
  • Don’t go looking to do more. Instead, work out how to give the most effective help. 

And kick things off by showing compassion… towards yourself! Empathy is more of a skill than a personality trait… meaning it’s something you can work on! 


To go further

How to Sustain Your Empathy in Difficult Times

by Jamil Zaki (Harvard Business Review, January-February 2024).

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Tagged with: support, empathy
Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.