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Idea Box

Competent or kind: what’s it going to be?

Yes: as a woman you have to make a choice! Competent women – unlike men – are seen as hard and severe, as though they have to choose between the two.
Gender stereotypes and biases are still very much alive in the world of work.

Women who try to break free of these biases pay a price: they are periodically snubbed and micro-aggressed. So, for example, when a female documentary filmmaker is approached by a male prospect, she is criticized for charging too much for her “hobby”. Or a female venture capitalist is seen as being more aggressive than her male counterpart. Women who follow the diktat to take their rightful place, to adopt the stance of a leader and to be assertive are judged and discriminated against.
But don’t give up the fight! In fact, do the very opposite: carry on occupying your ground.

  • Speak up when you’re on the receiving end of – or witness – any micro-aggressions, such as comments about someone’s appearance or their personality rather than their skills or effectiveness.
  • Challenge your own biases about other women. Is the way you think about a particular female executive or politician justified? Or does it reflect a stereotype?
  • Stop worrying about how other people see you: forge ahead!

You have a unique contribution to make: don’t let other people’s value judgments or negative comments stop you from being who you are!

To go further

The likability dilemma for women leaders

by Robin Hauser, (TEDxMarin, January 4, 2022).

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.