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Conviviality: (n.) a neologism that means: “The pleasure of living together and seeking the equilibrium required for establishing good communication; a genuinely friendly exchange around a table. Conviviality is the process by which one develops and assumes his or her role as a guest, and is always combined with the sharing of food, as it overlaps with table-companionship.” (Jean Pierre Corbeau, Wikipedia)
Trust: (n.): “A psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based on positive expectations of the intentions (or behavior) of another.” (Wikipedia)
Conviviality is the art of knowing how to relax together
Right !
Such a claim reduces conviviality to no more than a few moments of fun and celebration, when in fact it is far more than that. “People don’t leave jobs; they leave managers,” as Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman pointed out as far back as 1999 in their best-seller First Break All the Rules. 15 years later, and nothing has changed: you are still the most important stress or performance factor for your teams. The core objectives of conviviality for you to support are: to make the members of your team feel that they belong to a single group, to create an identity in part through belonging to the company, to humanize relations with other members of the team, and to bring a pleasurable dimension to the notion of having to work. Conviviality then makes it possible to create a climate of trust, without which no individual or collective development would be possible.
Wrong !
Such a claim reduces conviviality to no more than a few moments of fun and celebration, when in fact it is far more than that. “People don’t leave jobs; they leave managers,” as Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman pointed out as far back as 1999 in their best-seller First Break All the Rules. 15 years later, and nothing has changed: you are still the most important stress or performance factor for your teams. The core objectives of conviviality for you to support are: to make the members of your team feel that they belong to a single group, to create an identity in part through belonging to the company, to humanize relations with other members of the team, and to bring a pleasurable dimension to the notion of having to work. Conviviality then makes it possible to create a climate of trust, without which no individual or collective development would be possible.
Trust is not a luxury
Right !
No, trust is not a luxury. In a 2011 survey, 30% of all employees interviewed said that they trusted their management, with the figure for France at 38%. 52% of French employees were afraid to express their opinions freely in case they were frowned upon or even explicitly disciplined, and only 22% had a positive opinion of their manager. The survey, conducted by BVA for the BPI Group, also showed that employer - employee and manager - staff relations were marked by climates of mistrust that led to frustration and unhappiness and, above all, economic non-performance. On the other hand what is the shared characteristic of the leading companies in the Great Place to Work Institute ranking? Convivial management that breeds trusting relationships, imbues an individual’s assignments with meaning, and promotes a comfortable work environment. In other words, conviviality is far from futile…
Wrong !
No, trust is not a luxury. In a 2011 survey, 30% of all employees interviewed said that they trusted their management, with the figure for France at 38%. 52% of French employees were afraid to express their opinions freely in case they were frowned upon or even explicitly disciplined, and only 22% had a positive opinion of their manager. The survey, conducted by BVA for the BPI Group, also showed that employer - employee and manager - staff relations were marked by climates of mistrust that led to frustration and unhappiness and, above all, economic non-performance. On the other hand what is the shared characteristic of the leading companies in the Great Place to Work Institute ranking? Convivial management that breeds trusting relationships, imbues an individual’s assignments with meaning, and promotes a comfortable work environment. In other words, conviviality is far from futile…
Being convivial means that you should not expect too much from your team
Right !
Of course you should not! This is the attribute of an effective manager. Limiting your expectations of others will enable you to be calm, an essential quality to prevent you from hassling your team members. Expecting people to be efficient does not mean expecting them to be perfect. Rather than a quest for perfection with a neurotic obsession over details, efficiency is the quest for that which is most important. Holding high expectations of others means first being demanding with regard to oneself. It also requires being respectful of team members’ personal values. This type of behavior builds the trust that is necessary when one is indeed demanding with others.
Wrong !
Of course you should not! This is the attribute of an effective manager. Limiting your expectations of others will enable you to be calm, an essential quality to prevent you from hassling your team members. Expecting people to be efficient does not mean expecting them to be perfect. Rather than a quest for perfection with a neurotic obsession over details, efficiency is the quest for that which is most important. Holding high expectations of others means first being demanding with regard to oneself. It also requires being respectful of team members’ personal values. This type of behavior builds the trust that is necessary when one is indeed demanding with others.
A convivial manager should also convey a sense of urgency
Right !
A manager who is respectful of his or her team should not be drawn in by the urgency surrounding various issues, but rather by their relative levels of importance. In other words, focus should be on priorities and lasting effectiveness. A frenetic atmosphere wears people out. The combination of impatience and purely rational management (i.e., demanding constant improvement and applying zero tolerance policies) creates a tense environment. Indeed, slower corporate rhythms must also be respected, such as in regards to change, career progression, product life cycles, and so on. Moreover, impatience tends to generate a loss of awareness and is rarely productive over the long term. It causes agitation that is not only tiring for the agitated person, but also for his or her co-workers. It generates stress that is harmful for both the organization and its members. Focusing on reactivity creates anxiety. Effective management involves skilful anticipation and allowing for time to think things through, with respectful consideration of all those involved.
Wrong !
A manager who is respectful of his or her team should not be drawn in by the urgency surrounding various issues, but rather by their relative levels of importance. In other words, focus should be on priorities and lasting effectiveness. A frenetic atmosphere wears people out. The combination of impatience and purely rational management (i.e., demanding constant improvement and applying zero tolerance policies) creates a tense environment. Indeed, slower corporate rhythms must also be respected, such as in regards to change, career progression, product life cycles, and so on. Moreover, impatience tends to generate a loss of awareness and is rarely productive over the long term. It causes agitation that is not only tiring for the agitated person, but also for his or her co-workers. It generates stress that is harmful for both the organization and its members. Focusing on reactivity creates anxiety. Effective management involves skilful anticipation and allowing for time to think things through, with respectful consideration of all those involved.
Managing with conviviality implies being firm with regard to objectives and flexible as to methods.
Right !
Yes it does. Calm leaders are tolerant of a certain degree of error. Their personal capacity for reflection and anticipation enables them to be prepared for whatever happens and to accept imperfection as a given. They do not let themselves become overridden with feelings of guilt, exaltation, or anger and are thus able to avoid brutal shocks. Winston Churchill said, “Calm is the only way to reign over souls.” One of a manager’s duties is to provide objectives with a soul and means with flexibility. He or she must be capable of reassuring team members and relieving them of their worries about performing inadequately or badly. To do so, the manager must present them with virtuous behaviors or “rules to play by” that turn workers from simple pawns into true actors. Rules also provide room for manoeuvre and action. They become meaningful due to the fact that they make it possible to evaluate (= attribute value) individual performance.
Wrong !
Yes it does. Calm leaders are tolerant of a certain degree of error. Their personal capacity for reflection and anticipation enables them to be prepared for whatever happens and to accept imperfection as a given. They do not let themselves become overridden with feelings of guilt, exaltation, or anger and are thus able to avoid brutal shocks. Winston Churchill said, “Calm is the only way to reign over souls.” One of a manager’s duties is to provide objectives with a soul and means with flexibility. He or she must be capable of reassuring team members and relieving them of their worries about performing inadequately or badly. To do so, the manager must present them with virtuous behaviors or “rules to play by” that turn workers from simple pawns into true actors. Rules also provide room for manoeuvre and action. They become meaningful due to the fact that they make it possible to evaluate (= attribute value) individual performance.
To be shared without ambiguity, trust must be an embedded value in a code of ethics or code of values.
Right !
Ethical charters and value codes are merely temporary remedies of limited effectiveness if they are neither preceded by nor followed up with an example. Without regular, reliable, and continual information about transversal projects and local results, defining common goals or sending forceful messages about an innovation culture will have little impact. In addition, the basic rules for
establishing a charter or code are often felt to be overly technical and rigid. Rules are and will always be imperfect, and the spirit of the rule should always be preferred over literal meaning.
establishing a charter or code are often felt to be overly technical and rigid. Rules are and will always be imperfect, and the spirit of the rule should always be preferred over literal meaning.
Wrong !
Ethical charters and value codes are merely temporary remedies of limited effectiveness if they are neither preceded by nor followed up with an example. Without regular, reliable, and continual information about transversal projects and local results, defining common goals or sending forceful messages about an innovation culture will have little impact. In addition, the basic rules for
establishing a charter or code are often felt to be overly technical and rigid. Rules are and will always be imperfect, and the spirit of the rule should always be preferred over literal meaning.
establishing a charter or code are often felt to be overly technical and rigid. Rules are and will always be imperfect, and the spirit of the rule should always be preferred over literal meaning.
You should be honest in any and every/all circumstances, even if you are considered to be naive.
Right !
Honesty is the ultimate ability to tell the truth. For example, accurately evaluate unit performance, communicate this information clearly and straightforwardly, and announce realistic objectives. While managers do need to provide a dream and a vision, this is not an excuse to mask the reality of hard results.
Wrong !
Honesty is the ultimate ability to tell the truth. For example, accurately evaluate unit performance, communicate this information clearly and straightforwardly, and announce realistic objectives. While managers do need to provide a dream and a vision, this is not an excuse to mask the reality of hard results.
Behave naturally
Right !
A valuable person chooses authenticity over naturalness. A natural manager is constantly revealing his or her feelings (starting with fear and anger, which are often linked), and his or her relational preferences may well turn the work atmosphere into one that closely resembles that of a Byzantine court. On the other hand, people with values are aware of the roles they are “to play” and are, in this way, veritable actors…who adapt to the human comedy but who also incarnate their mission just as an actor personifies a role. That means identifying with the role as genuinely as possible. Authenticity requires self-control and recognition of other people and their value as well as one’s own mission
Wrong !
A valuable person chooses authenticity over naturalness. A natural manager is constantly revealing his or her feelings (starting with fear and anger, which are often linked), and his or her relational preferences may well turn the work atmosphere into one that closely resembles that of a Byzantine court. On the other hand, people with values are aware of the roles they are “to play” and are, in this way, veritable actors…who adapt to the human comedy but who also incarnate their mission just as an actor personifies a role. That means identifying with the role as genuinely as possible. Authenticity requires self-control and recognition of other people and their value as well as one’s own mission
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