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Little Find

There’s a bug in the system

You’re likely looking at potential the wrong way: you’re not born with it and it’s not set in stone! Is that a problem? Yes, because these misconceptions might well hinder your capacity to grow. Try to put your finger on what the stumbling block is.

What is the obstacle? 

  • Imposter syndrome: You think you’ve reached where you are following a string of misunderstandings, and you’re blind to the potential that other people have spotted in you. The fear that others will detect that you’re a fake can hold you back. 
  • Young geniuses under the spotlight: The example of young prodigies – the four-year-old who plays the violin, for instance – makes it harder for you to explore your own potential. You’re left thinking that you need innate qualities that you simply don’t have. But it’s not these qualities that count: your potential, what you’re capable of developing, is what matters most. 
  • Under-estimating years of practice: Grant aspired to be a better speaker by modeling Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. But he soon lost heart. Why? Because the author had overlooked the fact that this historic moment was borne of a lifetime (albeit a short one) of practice. 
  • Perfectionism: This makes you focus on details, side-step problems and beat yourself up when you get the slightest thing wrong. It’s an attitude that means you have zero chance of improving. 

Have you pinpointed the main stumbling blocks? Good: now it’s up to you to work on them! 

To go further

Unlocking hidden potential with Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell and Adam Grant (Rethinking podcast, October 24, 2023). 

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.