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Little Find

The untapped potential of “average Joes”

High potentials or people with problems attract attention and are given specific support. On the other hand, those of us who aren’t geniuses or who are not in difficulty have few opportunities to fully tap into our potential.

Your employees who are averagely effective hit their targets without fanfare or stress. Everybody is used to a decent level of performance, which is comfortable for them and for you. But what if they could do better? It’s your responsibility to create the openings. 

  • Take a fresh look at your expectations: average expectations yield average results. Make it absolutely clear to your colleagues: you believe in them and you intend to help them outdo themselves. 
  • Work on your language so that it reflects your higher expectations: change the way you ask questions. So, instead of inquiring, “Are you planning on going to university?”, say: “Which university do you want to go to?” The mindset will be wildly different. 
  • Treat colleagues like high potentials. Think about training courses, projects and resources that would help them develop and grow. 
  • Embrace any setbacks: potential does not develop in a straight line. It gains ground, reaches a middle ground and loses ground. Don’t get waylaid! 

It’s possible that these initiatives won’t have an impact on all your employees… but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you didn’t miss out on their potential. 

To go further

“How we can help the forgotten middle reach their full potential

By Danielle R. Moss (TEDWomen 2018, november 2018). 

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.