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Little Find

The sharing economy goes B2B

The sharing economy was born when Airbnb, carpooling.com and other such platforms allowed peer-to-peer home, car and other rental services between individuals, creating a sector worth tens of billions of dollars. What if the sector took things a step farther, and companies pooled resources?

In fact, pioneer companies have already started sharing parts, infrastructures or even employees! This emerging sector could not only generate substantial economic value, but also boost local employment, open hitherto inaccessible resources to SME or independent tradesmen, regenerate territories, reduce waste and carbon emissions…

Starting at the most basic levels, companies may share waste – one entity’s waste become another one’s raw material as per the basic principle of circular economy – or physical assets such as warehouses or fleets of under-utilized vehicles. Taking classical transactional logic  a little further, they may create communities and mutualize intangible assets through purchasing cooperatives, talent pools, or intellectual property trading. The impact of this B2B sharing will be all the greater if the objective is more noble – to improve health services or reach sustainable development goals – than simply optimizing the existing system.    

To go further

The B2B Sharing Revolution

by Navi Radjou, (Terra Nova, November 18, 2022)

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Françoise Tollet
Published by Françoise Tollet
She spent 12 years in industry, working for Bolloré Technologies, among others. She co-founded Business Digest in 1992 and has been running the company since 1998. And she took the Internet plunge in 1996, even before coming on board as part of the BD team.