Talking shareholder engagement and value creation with Jean-Florent Rerolle
Jean-Florent Rerolle is one of our longest-standing advisory committee members. He has been sharing his expertise in corporate finance, value creation, and business valuation with us since our founding in 1992.
JF is dedicated to the pursuit of responsible, long-term value creation for shareholders. His strong belief in the power of shareholder engagement to be a source of support and strength for business leadership and management is at the heart of his prolific work and research.
JF is a lecturer on corporate governance, financial analysis, and business valuation at Sciences Po. He is also a founding member of the Institut Français des Administrateurs (IFA) and a contributor and editorial committee member at Vox-Fi, a finance blog produced by the DFCG (Association nationale des directeurs financi
ers et de contrôle de gestion). He co-authored a vade-mecum for Board members.
In December 2017, after 25 years of financial consulting and investment banking, JF began a new phase in his career when he took on the role of Managing Director at Morrow Sodali, where he provides strategic advice to companies and their boards in their dealings with investors and capital markets.
Here at Business Digest, we look forward to continuing to closely follow JF’s impressive work and research and to integrate, whenever and however we can, his knowledge and expertise into our observatory and editorial strategy!
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