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Little Find

You’re still learning

Ideas, innovations and their concomitant potential for growth aren’t the result of chance. They’re rooted in curiosity and an ability to learn that doesn’t stop once you’ve pocketed your degree.

Some people are curious and want to learn new things every day so they can come up with new avenues of exploration. Others need to push themselves and need prodding to train their teams as well. Some suggestions on how to foster curiosity:  

  • Lose sight of your final goal … at least, from time to time. Of course, you have to hit your target, but don’t forget to take the road less travelled. The direct route is comforting but isn’t conducive to learning and innovation. 
  • Review your previous experiences: You’ve probably learned more from complicated projects or failures than from your triumphs. Accept difficulty as an opportunity to develop and spread this mindset. 
  • Seek out your colleagues’ superpowers and help them use their strengths to achieve their full potential. Try to create a favorable environment by welcoming inevitable mistakes and using them as a learning tool. 
  • Understand the diverse perspectives of your team members and go part way to meeting each of them, adapting yourself to their personalities and communication styles. And give yourself permission to make mistakes from time to time. 
To go further

Finding a growth mindset in leadership, teams and organizations

de Div Manickam (Forbes, 2 décembre 2020). 

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Françoise Tollet
Published by Françoise Tollet
She spent 12 years in industry, working for Bolloré Technologies, among others. She co-founded Business Digest in 1992 and has been running the company since 1998. And she took the Internet plunge in 1996, even before coming on board as part of the BD team.