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Action Tip

Run a 90-day trial

Are you tempted by the idea of a 4-day week but still aren’t sure? Give yourself 90 days to run a pilot program: it’s easy enough to go back to how things were if the trial isn’t a success. And if it works, bingo!

Based on

Shorter: Work Better, Smarter, and Less― Here’s How by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, PublicAffairs 2020

1/ DO THE PRELIMINARIES: is a 4-day week the right fit for your company?

It’s worth considering a shorter week if your organization is facing the challenges outlined below:

  • Your managers and leaders are suffering from burnout: you need to come up with new practices that will reduce stress and encourage colleagues to step back and take more rest.
  • Recruitment and retention are difficult in an ultra-competitive labor market with a fickle workforce.
  • The work-life balance is complicated: your employees have families and kids – and it would be absurd to ignore the fact.
  • An organizational culture that is barely sustainable: you are keen to build long-term reserves of collective knowledge.
  • You need to be more innovative and creative: your company must take a step back and time out so that productive new ideas can emerge (rather than squeezing creative employees like lemons, which ultimately results in threadbare ideas).
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Marianne Gerard
Published by Marianne Gerard
Marianne graduated from HEC in 1998 and is now a freelance journalist specializing in management and higher education. What really fires her up is the human dimension and she is c taking a psychology course at Rennes 2 University.