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Little Find

Recruitment trends in France according to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has analyzed thousands of data streams to give an overview of the major recruitment trends in France for 2018.

French companies are expected to hit the two million recruitment mark in 2018, thanks to a favorable economic climate and a rise in private investment (up 4.4% from 2017).

Here are 3 key trends:

1. What are most highly-sought profiles? Executives, of course! According to APEC, between 248,000 and 271,000 executive positions should be available in France in 2018 (13% more than in 2017) – an all-time high since 2000!
2. Positions facing recruitment difficulties: against a background of digital transformation, technical IT candidates (data analysis, cybersecurity, the cloud, AI, and so on) are in great demand. Recruiters are also piggybacking on the upturn by snapping up experienced sales people.
3. The most valued human skills: recruiters in 2018 are going for creative profiles with entrepreneurial mindsets and the ability to acquire new skills on an ongoing basis.

Find out more:
Recrutement: les grandes tendances de 2018by Mehdi Ramdani, LinkedIn, March 2018.

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Mehdi Ramdani
Published by Mehdi Ramdani