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Little Find

“My door is always open”

In July 2020, more than 75 percent of managers had never coached remote teams. They had to improvise. While some managers seek to create a fulfilling work environment, others fall into control and micro-management. How can you ensure that you support your team remotely?

Here are five practices that will help you gradually deploy a healthy culture of remote collaboration: 

– Encourage informal conversations, by, for example, interacting on your company’s social network or by sharing your calendar to make it easy to book an appointment – as if all you had to do was stick your head through the office door. 

– Trust your team! Contrary to managers’ apprehensions, three-quarters of employees are as productive, if not more so, in telework as in the office. 

– Continue training: You don’t want your team to stagnate if they need to master new skills. 

– Be vigilant about morale and ask your team regularly how you can help them. 

– Team-test technologies that can help you automate tasks or facilitate collaborative work. Turn the necessary use of technology into an opportunity. 

To go further

“5 top tips to make you a better remote leader in 2021”

by Marcus Buckingham (MIT Sloan Management Review, March 2021). 

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.