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Little Find

Make your team great

You need a team at the top of its form, because things move fast. Very fast. Yet you have the feeling your team is not quite pulling together, that it lacks something – but what? The three questions below will help you figure out where to direct your efforts.

  • Do you really need a team? The question may sound surprising, but for certain projects or tasks, a group may suffice. Before you expend energy working on team-building, ask yourself whether simply coordinating tasks between participants wouldn’t be enough. Don’t generate more complexity!
  • Do your employees trust you? Trust is not only the bedrock of the team, it is also a factor of performance and well-being at work. Make it a priority, for example by visibly showing vulnerability, empathy, sincerity…your human side, in fact!
  • Have you done your homework? A coach can help you get your team to function better, but the impact of their work will be lesser if you haven’t laid the foundations. What are they? A stimulating vision, meaningful goals and regular feedback. It’s up to you!

The work of a coach is no substitute for the design work that is yours, so…take your full place!

To go further

Team leadership in times of uncertainty”

by Brad Harris (Knowledge@HEC, 23 March 2023).

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.