How can you make reframing a problem more acceptable ?
The process for reformulating and reframing a problem is long and demanding, and sometimes runs counter to entrenched beliefs, generating denial or even outright resistance. Here are a handful of tips for tackling such a reaction.
What’s Your Problem? : To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve, by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, (Harvard Business Review Press, march 2020)
Do you want to make sure that the true nature of a problem isn’t giving your team the slip? If so, you need to set up a reframing session to check that every angle has been taken into account. For more experienced professionals, however, the prospect of devoting time to reframing a problem isn’t the least bit attractive. That’s why it’s in your best interest to prepare the ground meticulously.
- Before starting discussions, invite each participant to formulate how they see the problem in writing without suggesting your own vision in advance. The discrepancies (even the smallest) you’ll discover on reading their contributions will be an effective way of underlining the importance of this type of discussion.
- Take the time to explain the concept of reframing and to show its potential benefits by recounting a few choice anecdotes: the tale of the slow elevator and the impatient visitors is a sure bet!
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