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Reading list

Here are 5 not-to-miss articles published in February! Topics covered include caring leader, productivity and efficiency, empathy, recruitment and more…

Here are five articles that stood out this month for their originality, relevance, and/or analysis. Happy reading!

Economy & Society
The Corporate Implications of Longer Lives
People are living longer and working longer – but few organizations have come to grips with the opportunities and challenges that greater longevity brings.

“The Caring Leader”
Care is proven to be a powerful leadership tool and performance factor, bioth in the military and the corporate world. But what does it really mean to care for the wellbeing of your teams?

“Great Companies Obsess Over Productivity, Not Efficiency”
(Harvard Business Review)
Business leaders often (mistakenly) think of “efficiency” and “productivity” as pretty much the same things. This article from the Harvard Business Review explains that these two concepts are in fact very different, with very different implications for business strategy.

Personal development
“Can Learning Another Language Boost Your Empathy ?”
(Fast Company)
There’s a Czech proverb that says, “As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being.” This article explains how speaking a second language unleashes psychological reflexes that increase our capacity for understanding and empathy.

Human resources
“Everyone Overlooks Great Job Candidates. Even You”
Nope, there is no way that you’re totally objective in your recruiting decisions! This article presents the hidden biases that guide your decisions and how digital tools can help you push past them to achieve better talent selection.

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Emmanuelle Meylan
Published by Emmanuelle Meylan