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Fight the fears, that hold you back

You’re familiar with fear in its most common form: an instantaneous reflex triggered by your reptilian brain when faced with a threatening stimulus. But the most powerful fears, the fears that shape our day-to-day behavior, take on hidden, insidious forms. Now is the time to put an end to these limiting beliefs.

Do you feel that, no matter how hard you try, it’s never good enough? Are you forever looking for (and finding) excuses to never trying anything new? Does the quality of your relationships seem to be on the slide? Do you hold back more than you used to? Are you on the defensive?  

These attitudes are rooted in unconscious fears – the fear of failure, rejection, missing out and difference – and they act like a behavioral GPS, organizing your life choices, limiting your outlook and restricting your potential for development. Fed by your organizational, cultural and social environment, these fears have gained even more ground because of the health crisis. Especially because they are underestimated, it is vital to identify them and acknowledge the impact they have on your life so you can convert them into positive energy. 

Based on

Fear Less: How to Win at Life Without Losing Yourself, by Dr Pippa Grange, (Vermilion, 2020). 

Step 1: Identify what is (unconsciously) fostering an anxiety-provoking culture    

Unlike our prehistoric ancestors, we don’t have to fight to survive. At the same time, modern-day fears aren’t a purely subjective construct. They are activated by dominant social beliefs that value performance and competition, as reflected in common sayings such as “Give it your all,” “We crushed our opponents,” etc.  

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Tagged with: fear, crisis, culture, anxiety
Marianne Gerard
Published by Marianne Gerard
A graduate of HEC and the Master's program in Psychology at Université Paris Cité, Marianne combines her expertise in management and human sciences to produce written content in the fields of higher education, publishing, and corporate communication. She also works as a psychologist.