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Little Find

The fear of relapse – our friend and ally

Victims of burnout share a recurring fear – they dread suffering a relapse. With hindsight, they realize that they ignored the early warning signs during their first burnout and are afraid they’ll make the same mistake again. These individuals then end up in a state of permanent anxiety.

This is a legitimate fear since many people experience several episodes of burnout during their working lives.  

But rather than paralyzing you, this fear can be salutary if: 

  • It pushes you to be attentive to your lifestyle and, for instance, assures that you don’t accumulate too much sleep debt. 
  • It informs you of the resources at your disposal for avoiding burnout and makes you realize that you’re not as defenseless as you think. Take the trouble to learn lessons from your burnout, and identify and duplicate the strategies that helped you find your way out. It’s also an opportunity to acknowledge that you’re now stronger after going through this difficult experience. 

Draw inspiration from these best practices: 

  • Set the boundaries you need to keep yourself safe. 
  • Keep hold of your values and priorities now more than ever. Persevere – and even be stubborn! 

Use fear to take a step back, assess how real your anxieties are and put strategies in place that work best for you.

To go further

“Anxiety and fear of burn out”

by Jani Konjedic(Medium, 16 October 2021). 

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Tagged with: change, crisis, relapse
Françoise Tollet
Published by Françoise Tollet
She spent 12 years in industry, working for Bolloré Technologies, among others. She co-founded Business Digest in 1992 and has been running the company since 1998. And she took the Internet plunge in 1996, even before coming on board as part of the BD team.