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Little Find

Nurture your network

Vous aviez bien un réseau, avant… mais la distanciation sociale vous a empêché d’en prendre soin. Pourtant, vous avez plus que jamais besoin d’un solide réseau de pairs. Comment faire en l’absence d’événements professionnels ?

The paradox is that Covid-19 has actually made it easier to expand your network. You no longer need to search for something you have in common: everyone has been feeling lonely these last few months, and you’ve probably had similar questions! The difficulty doesn’t lie so much in virtual gatherings themselves (even if they can become tiring) as in deciding to devote time to themSome tips: 

        Be active on professional networks; create your own content and interact with those who read you. 

        Re-create professional events online; invite your contacts to join themed groups that you run regularly. 

        Draw inspiration from an Ivey Management School class that has kept in contact for 40 years. As well as meeting regularly, they have continued to work together by setting up a joint venture devoted to investments in the energy sector.  


What group project could allow you to reinforce your relationships over the long run? 


To go further: Maintaining Professional Networks in Good Times and Bad” by Mark Healy and Thomas Watson (Ivey Business Journal, July-August 2020) 

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Published by admin
She spent 12 years in industry, working for Bolloré Technologies, among others. She co-founded Business Digest in 1992 and has been running the company since 1998. And she took the Internet plunge in 1996, even before coming on board as part of the BD team.