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Book synthesis

[Editorial] Experience

Business Digest N°280 (octobre 2017)

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first1.”, a tweet by leadership expert Simon Sinek a few years ago. It is hard to argue with him, given that the “best employer” rankings correspond almost perfectly to the most popular consumer brands (Apple, Google, L’Oréal, etc.). It is a not an original observation. Over ten years ago, David Ulrich, a Professor in Management at the University of Michigan, demonstrated that a 10% increase in employee engagement translates into a 5% increase in customer satisfaction.

What has changed, however, is that companies are only just beginning to understand the key factors of sustained employee engagement. There is a lot of fuss over organic cafeterias, slides, and free yoga sessions on Fridays! But engagement (and, by extension, performance) is based on the overall employee experience. The latter encompasses all the interactions between an employee and his or her environment, from actual physical workspaces to corporate culture, as well as the quality of the technological tools provided and, of course, managers play a key role in the equation!

What daily actions can you take to boost the experiences of your teams? Find possible answers in our second feature, which examines why certain key moments of satisfaction or, conversely, frustration can radically change your employees’ views of their work and, by extension, their performance.

1. “Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first”, Simon Sinek on Twitter (@simonsinek, April 2014). Simon Sinek is the author of the bestellers Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last (Portfolio, 2009 and 2014).

Happy reading!


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Caroline Schuurman
Published by Caroline Schuurman