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The lack of decision-making criteria is one of the five stumbling blocks for a team that’s working from home.
Right !
The human mind is constantly assessing its environment. But online, deprived of any emotional context, we struggle to make decisions. Does the silence during a conference call mean that everyone is in awe of what you just said or completely tuned out?
Humans have evolved by constantly scanning the environment for information that could help us predict danger or home in on potential prey. We use our five senses, as well as our unconscious minds, to track any changes around us. The virtual world deprives us of this sensory feedback. “Thus we find the virtual world repetitive, confusing, and tension-filled,” explains Nick Morgan.
Recurrent problems in remote discussions can be grouped into five categories, including the lack of: sensory cues, empathy, control over our data, decision-making criteria, and connection and commitment.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Humans have evolved by constantly scanning the environment for information that could help us predict danger or home in on potential prey. We use our five senses, as well as our unconscious minds, to track any changes around us. The virtual world deprives us of this sensory feedback. “Thus we find the virtual world repetitive, confusing, and tension-filled,” explains Nick Morgan.
Recurrent problems in remote discussions can be grouped into five categories, including the lack of: sensory cues, empathy, control over our data, decision-making criteria, and connection and commitment.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
The human mind is constantly assessing its environment. But online, deprived of any emotional context, we struggle to make decisions. Does the silence during a conference call mean that everyone is in awe of what you just said or completely tuned out?
Humans have evolved by constantly scanning the environment for information that could help us predict danger or home in on potential prey. We use our five senses, as well as our unconscious minds, to track any changes around us. The virtual world deprives us of this sensory feedback. “Thus we find the virtual world repetitive, confusing, and tension-filled,” explains Nick Morgan.
Recurrent problems in remote discussions can be grouped into five categories, including the lack of: sensory cues, empathy, control over our data, decision-making criteria, and connection and commitment.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Humans have evolved by constantly scanning the environment for information that could help us predict danger or home in on potential prey. We use our five senses, as well as our unconscious minds, to track any changes around us. The virtual world deprives us of this sensory feedback. “Thus we find the virtual world repetitive, confusing, and tension-filled,” explains Nick Morgan.
Recurrent problems in remote discussions can be grouped into five categories, including the lack of: sensory cues, empathy, control over our data, decision-making criteria, and connection and commitment.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Emotional subtext is unnecessary for remote management.
Right !
The problems inherent to virtual communication are due to its lack of sensory stimulation and emotional signals. In order to avoid misunderstanding, you need to consciously restore an emotional subtext to your online communication. Emotions, conveyed unconsciously and effortlessly, can be reintroduced into virtual conversation by just thinking ahead a little. There’s no need to add three lines of emojis to your emails, but during a conference call, you can speak a little faster and in a more cheerful tone to show your enthusiasm. Or slow down and adopt a deeper voice to encourage discipline and calm.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
The problems inherent to virtual communication are due to its lack of sensory stimulation and emotional signals. In order to avoid misunderstanding, you need to consciously restore an emotional subtext to your online communication. Emotions, conveyed unconsciously and effortlessly, can be reintroduced into virtual conversation by just thinking ahead a little. There’s no need to add three lines of emojis to your emails, but during a conference call, you can speak a little faster and in a more cheerful tone to show your enthusiasm. Or slow down and adopt a deeper voice to encourage discipline and calm.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
You prepare for a videoconference in the same way as you would for a face-to-face meeting.
Right !
They seem a lot like face-to-face discussions, so you think you can get away without preparing. Big mistake. Remember poor Robert Kelly, professor of political science, who became world famous for being interrupted by his two small children during a serious interview on the BBC? Everyone loved it, sure, but it was embarrassing for Kelly. Not only should you prepare for an online meeting as you would for an ordinary meeting but you must also make sure you 1) set the stage (ensure that whatever you intend to show will actually appear on the screen); 2) get there early to make sure the technology is working properly, and 3) take a tip from the professionals so you will seem as at ease as a TV presenter: look at the camera, smile, project your personality. And rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
They seem a lot like face-to-face discussions, so you think you can get away without preparing. Big mistake. Remember poor Robert Kelly, professor of political science, who became world famous for being interrupted by his two small children during a serious interview on the BBC? Everyone loved it, sure, but it was embarrassing for Kelly. Not only should you prepare for an online meeting as you would for an ordinary meeting but you must also make sure you 1) set the stage (ensure that whatever you intend to show will actually appear on the screen); 2) get there early to make sure the technology is working properly, and 3) take a tip from the professionals so you will seem as at ease as a TV presenter: look at the camera, smile, project your personality. And rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Social networks strengthen remote links.
Right !
Nick Morgan cites a Wharton School study1 on the consulting sector in the United States. It shows that social media can help both cement work relationships and improve the bottom line. When you work on a virtual team, there are no opportunities to bond while chatting around the water cooler. However, social media enables you to make an impression and have the kind of warm and friendly interaction that is typical of the best teams. The study shows, moreover, that using such tools allowed consultants to access more diverse sources of information, which paid off in increased performance. The study went on to conclude that the more you use social words in chats with colleagues – “coffee,” “lunch,” “football,” etc. – the less likely you are to be laid off.
“Social Network Effects on Productivity and Job Security” by Lynn Wu (Information Systems Research, March 2013).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
“Social Network Effects on Productivity and Job Security” by Lynn Wu (Information Systems Research, March 2013).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
Nick Morgan cites a Wharton School study1 on the consulting sector in the United States. It shows that social media can help both cement work relationships and improve the bottom line. When you work on a virtual team, there are no opportunities to bond while chatting around the water cooler. However, social media enables you to make an impression and have the kind of warm and friendly interaction that is typical of the best teams. The study shows, moreover, that using such tools allowed consultants to access more diverse sources of information, which paid off in increased performance. The study went on to conclude that the more you use social words in chats with colleagues – “coffee,” “lunch,” “football,” etc. – the less likely you are to be laid off.
“Social Network Effects on Productivity and Job Security” by Lynn Wu (Information Systems Research, March 2013).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
“Social Network Effects on Productivity and Job Security” by Lynn Wu (Information Systems Research, March 2013).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Nonverbal communication is as important online as in face-to-face meetings.
Right !
During an in-person meeting, there are myriad unconscious behaviors that regulate the conversation. We make eye contact, nod, lean forward, make hand gestures – all without being aware of doing so. Yet these behaviors help a conversation run smoothly by curtailing interruptions, signaling to someone that they’ve been understood, etc.
To compensate for their absence in the virtual world, Nick Morgan advises us to develop an equivalent set of conscious behaviors, particularly when it comes to taking turns in a conversation. For example, in person, all you have to do is turn to another person to pass the reins over to them. Without visual clues, we could say something like, “I’m almost done here, so let me turn the conversation over to you after one more comment.” Or, “Let’s each take a minute to comment on the point that Robert just made, going around by time zone. Jane, would you start?”
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
To compensate for their absence in the virtual world, Nick Morgan advises us to develop an equivalent set of conscious behaviors, particularly when it comes to taking turns in a conversation. For example, in person, all you have to do is turn to another person to pass the reins over to them. Without visual clues, we could say something like, “I’m almost done here, so let me turn the conversation over to you after one more comment.” Or, “Let’s each take a minute to comment on the point that Robert just made, going around by time zone. Jane, would you start?”
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
During an in-person meeting, there are myriad unconscious behaviors that regulate the conversation. We make eye contact, nod, lean forward, make hand gestures – all without being aware of doing so. Yet these behaviors help a conversation run smoothly by curtailing interruptions, signaling to someone that they’ve been understood, etc.
To compensate for their absence in the virtual world, Nick Morgan advises us to develop an equivalent set of conscious behaviors, particularly when it comes to taking turns in a conversation. For example, in person, all you have to do is turn to another person to pass the reins over to them. Without visual clues, we could say something like, “I’m almost done here, so let me turn the conversation over to you after one more comment.” Or, “Let’s each take a minute to comment on the point that Robert just made, going around by time zone. Jane, would you start?”
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
To compensate for their absence in the virtual world, Nick Morgan advises us to develop an equivalent set of conscious behaviors, particularly when it comes to taking turns in a conversation. For example, in person, all you have to do is turn to another person to pass the reins over to them. Without visual clues, we could say something like, “I’m almost done here, so let me turn the conversation over to you after one more comment.” Or, “Let’s each take a minute to comment on the point that Robert just made, going around by time zone. Jane, would you start?”
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
You don’t need to be a star news anchor to run a videoconference.
Right !
But all the same, even if no one expects you to have the charisma of a Diane Sawyer, try to act like a TV presenter. Look at the camera, smile, and project your personality.
Here are a few tips on decor: Make sure your setting has sufficient lighting. And angle the camera so that it’s pointing downward and focused on your face – that’s the most flattering angle.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Here are a few tips on decor: Make sure your setting has sufficient lighting. And angle the camera so that it’s pointing downward and focused on your face – that’s the most flattering angle.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
But all the same, even if no one expects you to have the charisma of a Diane Sawyer, try to act like a TV presenter. Look at the camera, smile, and project your personality.
Here are a few tips on decor: Make sure your setting has sufficient lighting. And angle the camera so that it’s pointing downward and focused on your face – that’s the most flattering angle.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Here are a few tips on decor: Make sure your setting has sufficient lighting. And angle the camera so that it’s pointing downward and focused on your face – that’s the most flattering angle.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
To communicate well, choose the tool you’re most comfortable with.
Right !
There are a variety of tools for communicating with a scattered team, but they’re not all suitable for every occasion. Whether you decide on email, a chat room, or a videoconference, a lack of planning can really bring your managerial performance down. Think carefully before picking your communications tool. That way, for example, you’ll avoid using email for emotional tasks such as beginning, repairing, or terminating relationships.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
There are a variety of tools for communicating with a scattered team, but they’re not all suitable for every occasion. Whether you decide on email, a chat room, or a videoconference, a lack of planning can really bring your managerial performance down. Think carefully before picking your communications tool. That way, for example, you’ll avoid using email for emotional tasks such as beginning, repairing, or terminating relationships.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Recounting anecdotes can help you convey emotions.
Right !
In fact, the best way of conveying emotions – and nurturing your online communication – is through storytelling. Stories tap into your audience’s unconscious and emotions – and research cited by Nick Morgan shows that decision-making is still an instinctive process. This makes storytelling a much more powerful tool than focus groups and surveys, for example.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Wrong !
In fact, the best way of conveying emotions – and nurturing your online communication – is through storytelling. Stories tap into your audience’s unconscious and emotions – and research cited by Nick Morgan shows that decision-making is still an instinctive process. This makes storytelling a much more powerful tool than focus groups and surveys, for example.
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
Based On : Can You Hear Me? How to Connect With People in a Virtual World by Nick Morgan (Harvard Business Review Press, 2018).
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