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Idea Box

Grow the shared pie!

Here is the TED Talk version of the book Grow the Pie by Alex Edmans, remastered for 2022. After defining the mindset you need to escape a binary vision of profit distribution, Edmans describes the winning formula used by companies that manage to give everyone more while growing the pie.

What is the recipe for this magic pie that everyone can enjoy? Reverse your way of thinking and start from your company’s major goal, its raison d’être, the people it serves, the role it plays in society and in the wider world – and not just the profits to be generated.
Adopting policies of non-discrimination or for reducing carbon emissions, for example, benefits society as a whole and investors since these measures stimulate growth and performance. A company creates more value for everyone when it stops focusing exclusively on that quarter’s financial profits.

First and foremost, find out what know-how your company could enhance to increase the size of the pie. Take the case of Vodafone, which developed its M-Pesa payment solution in Kenya with no monetization goal, but to capitalize on its expertise to meet a concrete need. The profits came afterwards, serving all the stakeholders generously.

To go further

The Pie-Growing Mindset

by Alex Edmans (TEDx Manchester May 2022).

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Florence Meyer
Published by Florence Meyer
Executive coach, change management expert, and author. Constantly on the lookout for the latest management and leadership trends.